The Mizoram government has issued a strongly worded denial which said the Chief Minister Lal Thanhawla was not correctly appreciated. What he had stated was that India is a multi-racial country and there could occasionally be some misunderstanding based on physical features of individuals from particular regions of the country. He did not even distantly suggest or hint that the people of India were racist and that he was a victim of racism, the Mizoram government said. Earlier the CM of Mizoram Lal Thanhawla, was qouted at a conference as passing racial remarks at India. The CM said, "In India, people ask me if I am an Indian. When I go South, people ask me such questions. They ask me if I am from Nepal or elsewhere. They forget that the Northeast is part of India. I have told many that see, I am an Indian like you. I am a victim of racism," said Lal Thanhawla. But his remarks hadn't gone down well with his Congress party. In fact the Congress has reacted strongly, saying it wants an explanation from the Chief Minister for his allegation that he's faced racism within India. Others present at the conference and who had heard the Mizoram chief minister speak said Lalthanhawla did not refer to racism at all, but took a light-hearted look at the distance between the northeast and the rest of India. |